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Sensata’s Bluetooth-enabled, tire-mounted sensor attaches directly to the tire’s inner liner to elevate vehicle safety, performance, and data insights. In addition to measuring pressure, temperature, and acceleration, the sensor provides identification and data continuity for a specific tire throughout its life cycle.

According to the manufacturer, the tire-mounted sensor improves safety, tire life, fuel efficiency, and vehicle handling for drivers, while simplifying remote updates and warranty tracking for OEMs. Tire ID programming enables the vehicle to adjust performance and handling to match the installed tire. Detecting road surface conditions, such as changes from pavement to gravel, can inform the Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) to adapt and make more timely and accurate braking distance adjustments.

The sensor is also capable of bidirectional wireless communication. Bluetooth LE allows over-the-air updates to add features and capabilities after the vehicle is in the field. Further, the sensor can use existing Bluetooth LE infrastructure to support cell phones as smart keys, eliminating UFH receivers and reducing total system cost.

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Sensata’s first tire-mounted sensor will launch in 2023 for a fleet retrofit with a major tire manufacturer. The company is also discussing opportunities with additional vehicle and tire OEMs.

Tire sensor product page

Sensata Technologies

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