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MCUs extend runtimes for IoT and embedded applications

  • 5G
  • 2023-09-23 20:19:18

STMicro has expanded its STM32U5 series of MCUs with devices that raise performance, enhance energy efficiency, and strengthen cybersecurity. According to ST, the STM32U5 is also the first general-purpose group of MCUs to receive NIST embedded random-number entropy source certification.

Based on the latest Cortex-M33 core, the MCUs target deeply embedded applications like environmental and industrial sensors, building automation, wearable devices, eMobility controls, and others, especially in remote, difficult to access locations. Among the new devices, the STM32U59x/5Ax MCUs pack 4 Mbytes of flash memory and 2.5 Mbytes of SRAM, the largest on-chip memory of any STM32 MCU to date.

Energy-saving features include autonomous peripherals and ST’s low-power background autonomous mode (LPBAM). LPBAM allows the application to maintain critical functionality, while the core and other unused blocks power down into any of the MCU’s power-saving modes.

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Variants with ST’s NeoChrom graphics processing unit (GPU) on-chip can run a smartphone-like GUI previously only possible with an expensive microprocessor-based system. GUI developers can leverage the TouchGFX framework now featuring SVG support and rich graphical assets.

STM32U5 MCUs benefit from the Cortex-M33’s memory protection unit and Arm’s TrustZone architecture featuring hardware isolation. They also integrate cryptographic accelerators for advanced AES algorithms, support for public key architecture, and resistance to physical attacks.

The new STM32U5 devices are scheduled to begin volume production in Q2 2023, with prices starting at $2.15 each in lots of 10,000 units. To learn more about the STM32U5 family of microcontrollers, click here.


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