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Customizable RISC

Bluespec’s MCUX RISC-V processor allows developers to implement custom instructions and add accelerators to FPGAs and ASICs. MCUX joins the company’s MCU RISC-V family of processors designed for ultra-low resource utilization on FPGAs. Along with more customization opportunities, MCUX is fully portable across all major FPGA architectures and ASIC technologies.

The MCUX embedded processor is intended for applications that require a small processor for configuration and control of custom modules, IO devices, sensors, actuators, and accelerators, as well as software-programmable replacements for fixed-hardware finite state machines. This makes MCUX well-suited for machine vision, video decoding, audio decoding, and radar signaling applications, among many other use cases for the edge, industrial automation, defense, and IoT.

MCUX is able to operate at a high frequency, allowing for integration into designs without crossing clock domains. Designs that do not require high-frequency operation benefit from extra timing slack, without an impact on timing closure.

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Bluespec offers an application note that explains how to implement and execute custom instructions on the MCUX processor. It also reveals the potential for reducing software execution cycle counts with a small amount of implementation effort. To access the MCUX application note, click here. For more information about the MCUX RISC-V processor, use the online contact form on the Bluespec website.


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